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英语阅读—经济不景气 如何应对奖金缩水

保险公司Zurich North America退休高管、从事薪酬发放30多年的赫兹勒说,沉溺于过去绝对会惹怒你的老板;在奖金问题上,你需要长远计划,而不是只看眼前利益。
Frame your conversation around how you can help the company rather than making it all about you, advises Ms. Egan. Ask what you can do to help bring bonuses back for everyone or how you can play a bigger role moving forward.
One thing you should not do: less work. In a tough economy, there's nothing more dangerous than slacking off, says Rick Smith, co-author of 'The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers.' Instead, consider taking on a leadership role to set yourself apart from the crowd -- especially the complainers. 'The worst possible thing you can do for your career [is to feel] 'You're not paying me so can I slack off,' ' says Mr. Smith.
If you are convinced you should have received more money, it might be appropriate to approach your boss to request a reevaluation -- but make sure to have a clear case for how you contributed to the bottom line before you ask for the meeting.
Jack Chapman, career and salary coach and author of 'Negotiating Your Salary,' recommends researching the marketplace to see how your compensation stacks up to others. Web sites like Payscale.com and Salary.com offer data-driven estimates for bonuses and salaries by field and job level, while sites like Glassdoor.com and Vault.com profile careers and often include compensation data.
Go into a renegotiation with a number in mind, says Mr. Chapman. Knowing what you want and putting it out there will do you far more good than letting the boss throw out a number first.

[来源:原创] [作者:admin] [日期:11-10-13] [热度:]
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